Phone : 04 92 75 44 69
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GPS data :
Latitude : 43.73316°N Longitude : 5.93955°E
For arriving to the beach of St-Julien through Gréoux-les-Bains :
A When in Gréoux-les-Bains, at the main roundabout (with the fountain) head towards
Saint-Julien-le-Montagnier/Les campings/Bateaux électriques, (D8) on the Avenue du Verdon till the stone bridge
over the Verdon. Cross the bridge and turn left directly and follow ths signs "bateaux électriques".
Take the road that goes up on the right, for 7 km.
For arriving to the beach of St-Julien through St-Pierre - St-Julien-le-Montagnier :
When in St-Julien-le-Montagnier, head towards Gréoux-les-Bains (D35 & D8).
When arriving in Gréoux-les-Bains, turn right before the stone bridge over the Verdon.
Take the road that goes up on the right, for 7 km.
Starting July 1st, the parking lot of the beach of Saint Julien becomes regulated, the number of vehicles is limited and
From the last weekend of June and until the first of September, the parking fee is 4€ per day. We strongly advise you to come early on weekends and high season. *the dates are defined by the city hall of St Julien le Montagnier.